Work with me

There are two main aspects to my consultancy, support and education - and through ‘Purpose’ they are inextricable linked.

1) Sustainability - Looking at marketing through a sustainability lens, and becoming a highly responsible marketer. Sustainability isn’t a department, it sits at the heart of the business. I have developed training programs for leaders, marketers and organisations - and can work with leaders and teams to develop programs and drive towards positive and purposeful action. Take a look at The Sustainable Marketer Manifesto. A hippocratic oath for responsible marketers. And the ‘Sustainable business’ services.

2) Digital communications - Helping marketing professionals, leaders and organisations to fully understand the powerful role of digital technologies and what it takes to succeed.

When it comes to sustainability and brand and digitally connection communication - the two interconnect on so many levels - purpose, values, brand - marketing and communication in a digital world. Brands and organisations needs to behave responsibly and showcase how they are using their powers for good in the world at this critical time of change.

  • Purpose and Brand Development - Getting back to Purpose. How to drive Purpose ‘inwards, upwards and outwards’ showing up consistently to your employees and audiences in a way that is meaningful and aligns with strategic sustainability endeavours.

  • Digital Literacy for Leaders - Raising digital literacy and confidence across leadership teams.

  • Sustainable Business and Marketing Transformation - How to drive profits with purpose. Training programs for businesses and teams to apply a ‘sustainability lens’ to everything you do developing robust programs for brand, strategy and communications.

  • Social Media Strategy Development - Developing a cohesive and objectively driven ‘social first’ strategy that aligns with Purpose and brand narrative.

  • Training for Teams - Building digital competence across a number of areas - Sustainable Business Transformation, Sustainable Marketing, Social Media Strategy, Digital Marketing.

Simply get in touch to discuss your project.